Plastic in our oceans is a world wide problem...a deadly one!
There is an estimated 5.25 trillion pieces of rubbish in the ocean. The rubbish just floating on the surface weighs in at around 269,000 tons! But it doesn't stop there. 8 Million tons of rubbish are dumped directly into the ocean every year! That's not counting rubbish that gets washed into the ocean indirectly.
There are so many cases of unnecessary deaths to marine life, especially marine mammals who get tangled up and can’t get to the surface for air. Plastic bags continue to be found in the stomachs of dead sea turtles, who mistake them for food. Sea birds are dying after mistaking floating plastic for fish, eating it and feeding it too their young. Even whales, the largest creatures on earth are being effected!
However large pieces of plastic are not the only problem. Plastic never truly rots away, It just breaks down into smaller and smaller pieces. These pieces can then be consumed by animals at the very bottom of the food chain, like plankton and shrimp. As these tiny creatures are then eaten the toxins given off by the plastic multiply and slowly poison the fish. When that fish is eaten by an even bigger fish, the toxins multiply again and so on. So by poisoning the ocean we could be poisoning the food we eat, and therefore poisoning ourselves!
Plastic pollution in the ocean is everybody's problem!
The ocean is important. How important? 85% of every breath you take, comes from the ocean!
Without the ocean, we simply wouldn't survive! We ALL rely on it, even those who live miles away from the shore. So why do we treat it the way we do? Why do we dump our rubbish into it? Why do we use it as a big blue rubbish dump?
This rubbish collects on ocean currents, and creates vast patches of floating rubbish called gyres. The largest of which is called the Great Pacific garbage patch, and is over twice the size of Texas!
The ecosystem of the ocean is on the verge of falling apart, and if we don't act soon. There will be no ocean as we know it. There will be no fish, no whales, no reefs. There will be no oxygen given off by ocean. There will be no us!
Are you ready to make a change for the better? The fate of the ocean is in our hands, and only we can turn it around!